My apologies guys, it has been far too long since I have updated this blog. One thing I want to touch on, ever so briefly, is the male idea of domination. This topic hits home fairly hard this week, as one of my friends was a victim to a males need to dominate. She is a nice looking girl, and well, she's got a shapely figure. This guy decided he wanted her, despite the fact that she is dating one of his friends, and tried to force himself upon her. She is usually the definition of confidence, but since then she has been changed. His sexual assault ruined her.
Now, as a male, I understand that we like to be in control, but what he did is wrong. Unfortunately that happens all the time, to differing degrees mind you, but none the less, it affects the girls in a strong way. All I ask guys, is that you back off a little on your need for domination, and allow the girl to have a say, have her way, etc.